3 Yummy Seasonal Foods to add to your grocery list

It is always a good idea to shift your grocery list with the changing seasons because it is a great opportunity to save a few dollars while indulging on phenomenally flavourful and fresh produce. Here are 3 seasonal foods we are loving on our menu in the spring.

Asparagus (In season from May – June)

With only 5 spears needed to give you 30% of your daily folate, used for healthy blood, AND 3 grams of fiber to help stabilize those blood sugars, we are loving asparagus this season.

We like to cook ours with a lemon pasta, in egg dishes, or simply grilled up with a little oil and salt & pepper.

Spinach (In season May – October)

One cup of raw spinach provides 60% of your recommended vitamin A, essential for eye and skin health. Cooking spinach also increases the amount of antioxidants your body gets from the green. Its also great for immune function and cancer prevention.

We like to use it as a salad base, added to soups, or blended into smoothies.

Radishes (In season May – November)

Half a cup of radishes provides 30% of your recommended vitamin C for the day. Vitamin C is used for absorption of plant based sources of iron, repair of tissues and is an antioxidant.

To avoid going too heavy on the flavour, we like to thinly slice radishes and toss them in a salad. If you dig the flavour, munch on them whole with a dip of your choice or sauté them in garlic butter.

What seasonal food are you loving at the moment? Better yet… have you tried anything new?


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